Media Edition
The Toolkit is a complete software system for administering your newspapers co-op advertising programs.
Seamless upgrade path. As your department grows and your needs change, we have the tools to take you to the next level.
High performance database "engine" provides fast, reliable processing.
Manage all aspects of your co-op programs. Audit, report and analyze while increasing productivity.
Save a significant amount of time. Combine the blazing billing speed with fast, accurate accrual turnaround time, and you're sure to get results faster than ever!
Exclusive Tools and Features. From sales tools and expense tracking to customization and networkability, the depth of Toolkit features is unmatched!
Get total flexibility. We can tailor the system to your needs.
Simple "point and click" interface makes it extremely easy to use.
Superior customer service with 24/7 hotline support and unlimited training.
Co-op Plans Database
The Toolkit handles comprehensive co-op plan details for over 8000 major national brands. Each plan includes manufacturer, accrual and claim contacts and all information needed to insure reimbursement. All plan information is fully editable by the user for addition of local contact information, etc.
Integrated Co-op Billing Module
Our automated claims processor is the most powerful solution for generating co-op claim forms. We integrate the Toolkit with your existing billing system so all you do is add plan names to your co-op ads, and let the Toolkit generate completed Claim Kits- automatically!
Checklist packages include custom cover pages and accrual authorization letters. Easily print up-to-date co-op checklists for any of 120 store types. The system tracks each checklist when issued and returned by the sales rep. In addition, sales expenses can be entered into this module for complete reporting details on each sales call.
Accrual Management Tools
Retailer account information, once entered, is used to obtain updated accrual balances on a recurring basis via our exclusive automatic faxing technology. Since all modules are completely integrated, accrual balances are automatically reduced as claims are processed. Includes a comprehensive set of accrual management and reporting tools.
Accrual Presentation Tools
Get detailed accrual reports for presentation to retailers. Create campaign planners (preliminary spending plans), which calculate ad space and size for a series of omnibus ads using accrual balances and numerous other criteria.
Ad Tracking and Claim Kits
The Toolkit billing system is highly optimized for performance - resulting in significant time savings over other systems.This module tracks and bills all ads, including omnibus, dealer list, cause marketing, and special sections. Plus, the integrated Ad Schedule Manager can automatically bill complex omnibus and dealer list ads with multiple dates.
Sales Tools
Dealer List, Vendor Support and Cause Marketing modules come standard and are exclusive to the Toolkit. It also comes with a Sales Lead Tracking and reporting system.
Management Reports
Complete reporting capabilities including Monthly Statements, Co-op Performance Summaries, Expiring Accruals, Claim History, and more. Every report can be customized to meet your needs. Additional reports are available as required.
Customization Included
All software modifications and custom interface programming to your existing systems is included to provide the highest level of automation of the co-op process.
Multi-User Support
The Toolkit is network compatible and supports multiple users making it a truly scaleable system.